
Valentine’s Day - 14th Feb 2021

GACE conducted a meeting for the youth girls. 60 members participated in the meeting.

Sr. Jesintha Francis given a talk about living "Here and Now".

Sr. Agnes, the Superior of Sugantham has explained the discipline in life and prudent behaviors as well as true friendship.

Sr. Jancy Grecy helped the participants to be alert in the session by teaching some action songs.

Sr. A Mary Stella, the director organized one day program and given a self-improvement talk by explaining the status of the mind.

International Women’s Day - 8th Mar 2020

International women’s day was celebrated in the premises of Gonzaga Animation Centre.

Sr. Mary Stella – Director, Sr. Agnes – Superior of Sugantham, Sr. Susana – Superior of Geriatric Home, gave a talk about the present situation of women in Tamil Nadu, various parts of India and in Europe Countries.

They encouraged them to realize the dignity of women. Explained their important role in the development of family, nation and the world. Also wished the participants with flowers and some of the sisters sang an empowerment song to praise, to thank and to encourage the women.

Gonzaga Animation Centre released a song in YouTube for International Women’s Day.

Ongoing formation – 2 days seminar - 7th and 8th Mar 2020

13 Marianist Brothers came to Gonzaga Animation Centre for their Renewal Programme

Fr. Selvam conducted this course. They have energized themselves to continue their ministries in different part of Tamil Nadu.

They enjoyed their stay and were satisfied the service of the centre.

RYLA 2020 (Youth Program) - 29th Feb to 1st Mar 2020

Rotary club of Puduchery mid town and beach town President Rtn. Raj Svaris.P and Rtn. Mukkesh Kumar Jain arranged the RYLA 2020 AALAUMAI with the cooperation of all the Rotarians in Puduchery. RYLA Rtn. D. Ravi (Chairman), Rtn. Jigar Patel (Secretary) involved fully in conducting this programme successfully. They focused on Attitude change, Communication skills, Personality development, Self confidence, Happiness and success, Emotional regulation and The joy of giving.

64 graduates (44 Boys and 20 Girls) participated in this programme. Most of the Rotarians came to this programme and contributed their resources and encouraged the students.

Gonzaga Animation Centre appreciated all of them for the Unity, Contribution, Encouragement and Enthusiasms to run this program successfully and wished all the participants a great success for their Social Service.

Ongoing formation - 13th to 15th Jan 2020

On going formation programme (1-10yrs priest) was conducted by Rev. A. Santhiyahu MSFS from 13th to 15th Jan 2020 in the Gonzaga Animation Centre.

Theme : Rekindle the gift of God within you

32 priests participated in this programme. They all enjoyed their stay in the centre by experiencing the clam and silence atmosphere.

Retreat - 26th to 31th December 2019

37 sisters from Shalom Province came for the retreat on 25th evening. Fr. Alex Capuchin conducted this retreat.

Fr. Selvanayagam came on 4th day to teach the YOGA MEDITATION to the sisters.

Sr. Lilly Grace, the Provincial came on 31st to wind-up the retreat and wished the sisters for New Year.

All the sisters in the campus also gathered to wish them.

We thanked God for all that he has done during this year.

Ongoing Formation - 25th to 27th November 2019

37 fathers from MSFS congregation of Trichy province came to our centre for 2 days program. Father Santhiyago the vise-provincial organized this program. Provincial Rev. Fr. Muthu came on the 2nd day to meet the participants. They appreciated the service done by our sisters in this campus.

Couples Gathering - 9th to 10th November 2019

Gana India Association conducted this program to the couples and children. The aim is to deepen their love among the couples and family members. Mr. Monoj and Mr. Galle organized the program systemically and motivated the participants to share each of their experience. They also conducted variety of prayers. The aim is to deepen the relationship among the couples and family members.

1979th Batch Gathering - 23rd October to 26th October 2019

Nineteen sisters from 1979th Batch gathered in the Animation Centre to evaluate their forty years of experience in religious life. They spent a day in silence to reflect and recollect their past life. On the Second and third day there was a group Sharing has taken place. The last day Superior General Sr. Rajamani came and met all the sisters and wished them.

Rev. Fr. Amritharaj from Nepal celebrated mass and helped the sisters to consolidate the reports of various gatherings that have been conducted.

Students Stay - 15th October to 11th October 2019

70 School student and staff members including 2 sisters with the principal father came to Pondicherry for a tour from Bangalore. They stayed on the 15th night to 16th morning. After the breakfast they left. They felt comfortable to stay at the centre.

Annual Retreat - 06th October to 11th October 2019

Fifty sisters from Shalom Province came to the centre to make their annual retreat. Sr. Lilly Grace, the Provincial, Sr. Delphin, the Secretary, Sr. Ahila, the Procurator came to the centre to meet sisters in the beginning as well in the end. They appreciated all the sisters who worked in the centre for their service.

Six Days Retreat - 22nd September to 27th September 2019

Fifty Sisters from Shalom Province gathered in the Animation Centre with the retreat preacher. They spent six days in silence in union with GOD, they experienced the love of God during this retreat and were fully enriched.

Eye Awareness Program - 22nd September 2019

Eye awareness program was conducted by the centre from 3.30 pm-5.00 pm. Fifty Sisters from Shalom province, ten members from Sugantham Illam and twelve members from Geriatric home participated in the program. Dr. Vanaja Vaidhiya Nadhan was a resource person. She explained the importance of the eye sight, how to protect and taking care of it and in one circumstances one as to go and meet the doctor. She too inspire the donate eyes to others who are in need.

CHAT Meeting - 17th July to 18th July 2019

Catholic Health Association of Tamil Nadu has conducted two days of Health Convention and 22nd Annual General Body meeting in the Animation Centre. 130 Members had participated in the meeting.

One Month Retreat - 10th March to 11th April 2019

17 Sisters of Juniors Called tertian’s, Preparing for the final vows had spent one month in the centre to do the retreat. They blessed the centre through their prayers and silence.